Today’s Inspiration
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Are Low fat/Fat free products good for you??? ... See MoreSee Less

Are Low Fat/Fat Free Foods Good For You?? by Toni Gerbino, Nutritionist
ARE LOW FAT/FAT FREE FOODS GOOD FOR YOU??? Do you know what regular food tastes like when all the fat has been taken out of it? Well, it tastes like ...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
I am watching the Oprah special and I am disheartened by the fact that it’s 8:45 and no one has really emphasized eating right, food allergies and food sensitivities- they are not telling you the true story 💯- please please do your homework! I will be posting more in days to come - yes it is a disease for certain - and certainly some people need this and thankfully it has been researched- However please know that to live longer, make these drugs really work long term and be healthy you HAVE to eat the foods that are right for your individual body type - only a Nutritionist can do that for you! Not sure why the drugs are the only emphasis- shame on you Oprah for not telling the true story about food and nutrition - very disappointed in you!! ... See MoreSee Less
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I didn’t even tune in; I’m tired of Oprah embracing every new gimmick by which she loses weight. However, she always gains it back ; that is the real problem. Her record of always gaining back the weight proved she has not discovered the elixir. I doubt there is one. I’ll stick to a qualified, good nutritionist.
Only weigh yourself THIS day each Toni GerbinoNutritionist ... See MoreSee Less

Only Weigh Yourself on THIS Day Each Week -- And it's NOT Today - OR IS IT?????
Did you know there's ONE day of the week that is better than all the others when it comes to weighing yourself to track your weight loss efforts? ...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
When You Feel Like Giving Toni Gerbino Nutritionist ... See MoreSee Less

When You Feel Like Giving Up....................... by Toni A. Gerbino, Nutritionist
NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP One of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill - we all know how hard it is but there are lots of things you can do. Eat r...0 CommentsComment on Facebook's Thanksgiving Day, NOT Thanksgiving Weekend!! ... See MoreSee Less

Remember: It's Thanksgiving DAY - NOT Thanksgiving Weekend!!
I Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with Family and Friends. I just thought I would send you all a reminder that the average person GAINS 7-1...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Losing weight is hard - being overweight is hard - choose your hard!! ... See MoreSee Less
Choose Your Hard - by Toni Gerbino Nutritionist
It might be, but you don't have to go it alone. It is a proven fact that dieting with the support of a Professional Nutritionist doubles your chan...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Are Low Fat/Fat Free Foods Good For You?? by Toni Gerbino, Nutritionist ... See MoreSee Less
Are Low Fat/Fat Free Foods Good For You?? by Toni Gerbino, Nutritionist
ARE LOW FAT/FAT FREE FOODS GOOD FOR YOU??? Do you know what regular food tastes like when all the fat has been taken out of it? Well, it tastes like ...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Are Low fat/fat free foods good for you?? ... See MoreSee Less

Are Low Fat/Fat Free Foods Good For You?? by Toni Gerbino, Nutritionist
ARE LOW FAT/FAT FREE FOODS GOOD FOR YOU??? Do you know what regular food tastes like when all the fat has been taken out of it? Well, it tastes like ...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
HAPPY 2023 EVERYONE!! Let's try something new this year!! Instead of making strict or boring resolutions, try making goals to make your life better. Put less pressure on yourself by taking baby steps and I bet you will go further that way!!
Visit Toni's website at:
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HAPPY 2023 EVERYONE!! Let's try something new this year!! Instead of making strict or boring resolutions, try making goals to make your life better. Put less pressure on yourself by taking baby steps and I bet you will go further that way!!
Visit Toni's website at:
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* Results will vary based on the individual and your individually designed program.